Congregations Connected
What is Per Capita?
Per Capita is an annual per member apportionment ($45.24 for 2025) that funds presbytery, synod, and general assembly efforts.
$32.00 annual contribution to support Presbytery infrastructure necessary for mission in Beaver and Butler Counties
$2.40 annual contribution to the Synod, which consists of 16 Presbyteries across Pennsylvania and parts of West Virginia and Ohio
$10.84 annual contribution to the Office of General Assembly, which supports our Synods, Presbyteries, and over 10,000 congregations
As 1 of 60 congregations in Beaver-Butler Presbytery, your church is part of a larger family that is…
• enabled by shared resources
• strengthened by administrative help
• enlivened through combined ministry
• empowered by valuable training
• assisted through transition
• connected to regional Synod and national PCUSA
2025 Narrative Budget
Bulletin Inserts and Powerpoint Slides to Download
Introduction to Per Capita
Administrative Support—Staff and Officers
Collaboration Insert 5.5 X 8.5