Beaver-Butler Presbytery is a Covenant Community of Churches that supports, nurtures, and helps grow disciples in the Way of Christ.

A Covenant Community of Churches

  • Covenants are trust-based promises that rely on the integrity of mutual accountability.
  • We believe God calls all people of faith into a covenantal life together.
  • We seek to reframe the term “Presbytery” from an office or institution into a collaborative partnership.
  • The Presbytery is the community of congregations that willingly join each other in our purpose together.

That supports, nurtures, and helps grow disciples in the Way of Christ

  • Our work is directed toward discipleship, the fruit of God’s mission to transform our lives and communities.
  • Our connections support, nurture, and help grown disciples as we work alongside the Lord who is already doing transformative work.
  • The earliest church was called The Way. Likewise, our direction in all things is Christ.