

Posted December 18, 2023

The Reverend Bob Edmundson was recognized at the November Presbytery on the occasion of his retirement from actively serving in ministry. Bob was the pastor of North Washington Church in North Washington and Concord Church in Hooker since early 2017.

Bob attended Grove City College majoring in Religion and Psychology. He received his Master of Divinity from Louisville Presbytery Theological Seminary. He was ordained by Shenango Presbytery and began his ministry at Jackson Center Presbyterian Church in Jackson Center in 1980. 

In the following years, Bob served Eastern Pennsylvania churches in Blue Ridge Summit and Broque. During those years he served on committees in the Synod of the Trinity and Donegal Presbytery. After moving to Beaver-Butler Presbytery, Bob served as chair of the Mission and Compassion Ministries Unit. 

North Washington and Concord Churches celebrated Bob’s ministry with a worship service and luncheon on October 23. We pray many blessings for Bob and his wife, Charlotte, in retirement.