Presented by the Equipping Leaders Unit
of Beaver-Butler Presbytery
Building Up the Body of Christ!
Annual Leadership and Administrative Event
Sunday, March 23
1:30-5 p.m.
Registration—1:30-1:45 p.m.
Cranberry Community United Presbyterian Church
2662 Rochester Road
Cranberry Township, PA
This FREE training event is geared to equip those leading ministry—Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Worship Leaders, Youth Leaders, Treasurers, Clerks of Session, and all church congregants.
Brochure was revised on January 30.
If you experience problems registering online, please call the office.
Attendees can pick two of the following workshops.
Pick a 1st and 2nd choice for both time slots—Workshop A and Workshop B. Please note some workshops are offered only once.
1—I’m an Elder, Now What?
Pastor Thomas McMeekin
This is a workshop that will look at the unique role of Elder and just how we can help Elders be encouraged and grow in the task of being Ruling Elders. (Session A only)
2—Part-Time/Full-Time Shared Ministry
Pastor Thomas McMeekin
Discussion for church leaders thinking about part time ministry and shared ministry for small congregations. (Session B only)
3—Caring Ministry for Deacons and Others
Rev. Andrew Smothers
Come join us as we consider the Biblical foundation for deacons, our Book of Order description, our various duties as deacons, and learn some caring ministry principles and tips. We’ll explore grief and its common sources, models of grief, our role as church members and deacons, healthy and unhealthy care approaches, and recommended resources.
4—Being the Church Treasurer
Lauren Cesnales, Treasurer of Beaver-Butler Presbytery
This is an annual skill training event for all church treasurers and financial secretaries – regardless of years of experience. This workshop hopes to provide an overview of responsibilities as well as provide an opportunity to learn and ask questions and get to know others doing this same important work in the life of the church.
5—Basic Clerk of Session Training: Swimming in the Shallow End
Rev. Randall Clow, Stated Clerk of Beaver-Butler Presbytery
Do you like taking minutes, reading reports, or reading policies? Do you appreciate meetings that are “decent and in order”? If the answer is yes, you may be a clerk of session! A clerk of session has many responsibilities. This seminar will help to equip clerks with training, tools, and resources for their calling. There will be something for everyone: new clerks, seasoned clerks, and interested persons but we’ll focus on the basics here. Participants should bring a copy of the Book of Order. (Session A only)
6—Clerk of Session Training: Diving Deeper
Rev. Randall Clow, Stated Clerk of Beaver-Butler Presbytery
This seminar will cover some advanced topics for clerks and other interested persons and we’ll have a “Q&A” for your questions. If you’d like to email your questions to the stated clerk ahead of time, that would be appreciated. If not, I’ll do my best! Questions and suggested topics for this class can be sent to (Session B only)
7—Youth Ministry: Something Old and Something New
Diana Mermon Spencer, Youth Leadership Connection Coordinator of Beaver-Butler Presbytery
Youth ministry has entered a new era since the pandemic, and we’re excited to explore the possibilities. As leaders, we’re dedicated to revitalizing our approach to youth ministry, building on the foundations that have worked in the past while embracing new ideas and perspectives. This seminar will be a collaborative discussion on the future of youth ministry, where we’ll share experiences, insights, and innovative approaches to empowering our youth with God’s love and peace.
8—Reading Scripture
Rev. John C.R. Silbert
Number one among humankind’s ten most common fears is speaking before a group! Add to this fact that you have been asked to read the Scripture lessons next Sunday—God’s Holy Word! Are you up for the task? A little afraid of handling what is “holy”? Not sure how you should approach the Bible as a public reader of it? Let’s work on “Getting the WORD across” as you become a vessel for God’s Word to speak to you and through you to the congregation in worship. (Session A Only)
9—Drinking from the Same Cup: Why are we Presbyterian?
Rev. Dr. Tom Harmon, Executive Presbyter of Beaver-Butler Presbytery
You are a Presbyterian, but have you ever wondered what it means to be Presbyterian? Some grew up in the church, and others found a nice congregation to join. Just as we serve Jesus and our congregations, there is much to know about how and why we serve as Presbyterians. This class will focus on those basic parts of the Presbyterian tradition in the Christian church. We will look at a bit of history, what it means to be a connectional church, and, of course, our truly unique use of polity, all taught by an eighth-generation Presbyterian, Rev. Dr. Tom Harmon.
10—Part 1: Understanding the Conditions for Greatness in America! A Call to Faith-based Leadership!
Dr. Donald E. Sheffield, Founder and President of TAME “Techniques Assisting Motivation and Excellence” & Education Consultant/Cultural Competency Trainer for Beaver County Behavioral Health
This presentation will focus on how the faith-based community can play a key role in bringing about unity in America, by understanding the “practices and skills” necessary for all people to live in harmony. Special emphasis will be placed on having a culturally competent nation that requires everyone to be able to “interact witheach other, regardless of our differences, in a positive way. It is especially designed for leaders of our various faith-based organizations, to recognize the importance of the fundamental themes, practices and skills that foster unity and “Do No Harm by Actions, Words or Thoughts”. Equity is a Leadership issue for all organizations, of which everyone can benefit if we understand its value to America in creating a high performing nation. (Session A only)
11—Part 2: Understanding the Conditions for Greatness in America! A Call to Faith-based Leadership!
Dr. Donald E. Sheffield
A continuance of the conversation from session A. (Session B only)
Event Schedule
1:30 p.m.—Registration
1:45 p.m.—Gathering for Prayer & Praise
2 p.m.—Workshop A
3:15 p.m.—Fellowship Break
3:45—Workshop B
5 p.m.—Evaluations
Space is limited for this FREE training. Don’t delay, register today!
There are three ways to register.
—by Emailing or calling 724-452-7515
—by mailing the brochure registration form to Beaver-Butler Presbytery 134-B S. Main St. Zelienople, PA 16063
—by registering online.
If you have a question, call the Presbytery Office at 724-452-7515.