Units & Committees

Beaver-Butler Presbytery is a Covenant Community of Churches
that supports, nurtures, and helps grow disciples in the Way of Christ.

Coordinating Team (CT)

The purpose of the CT is to serve as the leadership council of the Presbytery; to create a Vision and strategy for the growth and future of the Presbytery; to act as Trustees of the Presbytery; and to organize and plan Presbytery meetings.


  1. Interpret per capita need and use.
  2. Interpret collaborative good news within the Presbytery.
  3. Reinterpret the role of the Presbytery in relation to the churches.

Chairperson: Elder Andrew Why (2025)
Presbytery Moderator: Elder Dennis Krebs
Presbytery Vice-Moderator: Rev. Brian Hauser

Members At Large

Elder Allen Kitchen (2027)
Elder John Laudenslager (2027)
Rev. Beth Wierman (2027)
Rev. Douglass Dorsey (2026)
Elder Michelle Lagnese 2026
Rev. Lauren Bosserman 2026
Rev. Lee Dreyer (2025)
Rev. Larry Maley 2025
Rev. Merry Meloy (2025)

Corresponding Members (without vote):
Secretary:  Rev. Randall Clow
Treasurer:  Elder Lauren Cesnales
Executive Presbyter: Rev. Dr. Thomas Harmon

Sub-Committees of Coordinating Team (CT)

Finance Committee

The purpose of the Finance Committee is to prepare, in conjunction with presbytery staff, both a mission and per capita budget for the upcoming year; to hear and recommend decisions on financial issues from our churches; to review property or loan issues; and to maintain and report financial issues to the CT.

Chairperson: Elder Scott Meiser (2027)

Elder Scott Meiser (2027)
Elder David Benish (2027) 
Elder Ray Rosenbauer (2026)
Elder Ashley Hughes (2025)

Corresponding Members (without vote)
Treasurer – Elder Lauren Cesnales
Personnel Chair – Elder Mark Finch

Investment Team
Elder Scott Meiser 2027
Elder Ray Rosenbauer (2026)
Elder Ken Spencer—Ex-Officio/Consultant

Personnel Committee

The purpose of the Personnel Committee is to be a resource to the Coordinating Team and to be available to Presbytery staff on matters pertaining to employment, pay and benefits.  Responsibilities include conducting annual Staff reviews, recommending advancement opportunities or changes in salary, maintaining and recommending changes to Personnel policy to the Coordinating Team and mediating Staff issues.

Chairperson: Elder Mark Finch (2025)

Rev. Dena Roy (2027)
VACANT (2027)
Elder Randy Bieber (2026)

Administration Committee

The purpose of the Administration & Resource Committee is to act as the building and grounds team for the presbytery office; provide oversight for the overture process; and administer Presbytery functions such as celebrating anniversaries and acknowledging helpful work of upper governing bodies.


  1. To maintain and enhance the Presbytery office building for service to all.
  2. To collaborate with appropriate committees in making recommendations on overtures.
  3. To celebrate with joy anniversaries of churches and pastors.

Chairperson: Elder Thomas Marlowe (2027)

Elder Anne Miller (2026)
Rev. Andrew Shaffer (2025)

Mandated Committees

Nominating and Representation Committee

Chairperson: Rev. Connie Dunn (2026)

CP Gregg Hartung (2027)
Rev. Robert Saul (2027)
Elder Jim Ihlenfeld (2026)
Rev. Jim Steiner (2026)
Rev. Kelley Angleberger (2025)

Ministry and Vocation Committee (MVC)

The purpose of the Ministry & Vocation Committee is to discern and evaluate the calls of inquirers, candidates and pastors to assist congregations to foster healthy relationships with their pastoral leaders.


  1. Find ways to merge the functions of the COM & CPM
  2. Resource and assist churches to evaluate the work of the pastoral staff and encourage meaningful continuing education.
  3. Help churches to understand and fashion the most effective and economical terms of call.
  4. Help churches in their discernment process as they seek to call pastors and other leaders.

Committee Chairperson: Elder Denise Hobaugh (2026)

Rev. Jason Sinagra (2027)
Rev. Dr. David Oyler (2027)
Rev. Dr. Rebecca Kahnt (2027)
VACANT (2027)
CP Charles Cline (2026)
Elder Mary Clow (2026)
CP Kathleen Davis (2026)
Rev. Dr. Mary Kitchen (2026)
Elder Dr. Lynn Byers (2025)
Rev. Robert Goossen (2025)
Rev. A. David Paul (2025)

Ad Hoc Members (without vote)
Theological Education Fund Contact: Rev. Robert Saul
Pension Representative: Lauren Cesnales
Ex-Officio Member: Rev. Randall Clow


Collaboration, Fellowship and Youth Ministry (CFY): Body – Serve

The purpose of the CF & Y ministry team is to bring together the Body of Christ in all its aspects.  This shall be accomplished, in part, by supporting the efforts of the Presbytery to offer camping and youth activities, providing guidance and assistance to the youth coordinator and Resource Center director, working for the cooperation between presbyteries and our Synod, and organizing presbytery-wide events.


  1. Find points of cooperation with contiguous presbyteries
  2. Organize a presbytery-wide worship event


Rev. Mark Allio (2027)
Elder Wendi Rybicki (2027)
Elder Paula Vaughn (2027)
Rev. Dr. Peter deVries (2026)
Mrs. Leslie Richards (2026)
Elder Greg Sasse (2025)

Ad Hoc Members (without vote)
Resource Center Contact: ChrisAnn Goossen
Youth Leadership Connection Coordinator: Diana Mermon-Spencer

Equipping Leaders): Head – Grow

The purpose of the ECF Ministry is to create, maintain and grow flourishing congregations by providing training, encouragement and direction to clergy and church leaders.


  1. Organize annual Leadership Training Event (invite Shenango)
  2. Organize monthly training mandated for new clergy and available for all.
  3. Organize groups of pastors to sharpen preaching skills.

Chairperson: Rev. John Silbert (2026)

Elder Frank Aloi (2027)
Kerry Dowdy (2027)
Elder Harley Allen (2027)
Elder Lori Littell (2026)
CP Tom McMeekin (2025)
Rev. Andrew Smothers (2025)

Mission and Compassion Ministry (MCM): Heart – Help

The purpose of the M&C ministry is to engage the whole presbytery in mission, compassion ministries and peacemaking, not by initiating mission but by serving as a catalyst to help churches connect.


  1. Identify what is going on in mission & compassionate ministries in our churches.
  2. Work with Refreshing Springs Task Force to encourage support.
  3. Facilitate the Peacemaking efforts of the Presbytery.
  4. Engage Presbytery with ministries of compassion.

Chairperson: Rev. Dr. Judy Angleberger (2025)

Elder Denee Stevenson (2027)
Elder Joyce Hamilton (2027)
Rev. Todd Allen (2026)
Rev. James Swanson (2026)
CP Tim Casey (2025)
Elder Clark Trauterman (2025)

Permanent Judicial Commission (PJC)

Chairperson:  To Be Determined

Elder Andrew Honess (2030)
CP Thomas McMeekin (2030)
Rev. John Porter (2030 at large)
Elder Denny Baughman (2028)
Rev. David Byers (2028)
Rev. Dennis Molnar (2028)
Rev. Dr. Larry Maley (2026)
Rev. Robert Mathias (2026)
Elder Denee Stevenson (2026)

Unit Boards and Organizations:

Camps and Conferences
Rev. James Benson
Elder Diana Spencer

Christian Associates Representative
Rev. Dr. Tom Harmon

Presbyterian Media Mission

Presbyterian Men
Elder Larry Ott

Presbyterian Scholarship Fund (Formerly Colportage of Western PA)
Rev. Robert Goossen

Presbyterian Women
Mary Rae Thompson

Presbytery Youth Leadership Connection Coordinator
Diana Mermon

Synod of the Trinity Commissioners

Elder Jim Ihlenfeld
Rev. Beth Wierman (2026)