
Racial Reconciliation Awareness Book Clubs

Discussion opportunities to join a Racial Reconciliation Awareness Book Club begin this January. The primary goal is for us to be reading and educating ourselves concerning racial reconciliation as a Presbytery. While we also encourage you to participate in a discussion group. If it is too much for you to commit to a discussion group at this time, that is okay. 

Zoom discussion groups are beginning for the book White Fragility: Why It Is So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism by Robin Diangelo. It is recommended that you read the book, Just Mercy prior to reading the book,White Fragility and joining a group.

White Fragility Book Club
Group One—First Tuesdays: January 7, February 4, March 4, April 1; 7-8:15 p.m.
Group Two—Third Mondays: January 20, February 17, March 17, April 21; 7-8:15 p.m.

Just Mercy Book Club
By Zoom on fourth Thursdays—January 23, February 27, March 27, April 24, 7-8:15 p.m. This club will discuss the book Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson. 

Both books are available at no cost either to read on your own or as part of a discussion group.

For additional information, to receive a book at no cost, or to sign up to join a group, contact C.F. Hoffman at or 724-417-9626 (cell).

Please download and post a flyer to help promote this opportunity.

Preaching Laboratory 

In-person and Zoom IPLF Workshop
Saturday, March 1, 12:30-3:30 p.m.

Redstone Presbytery Center
1004 Mt. Pleasant Road, Greensburg, PA 15601 

Rev. Craig Kephart, instructor

In reflective exercises on the purpose and practices of preaching, consideration will be given for why and how the Word is proclaimed. Participants will engage in a preaching exercise and receive feedback.

In addition to the current cohort of IPLF students, any Commissioned Pastor, Minister of Word and Sacrament or Ruling Elder from a sponsoring presbytery is welcome to participate for personal and ministry enrichment through Inter-Presbytery Leadership Formation (IPLF). 

To register, contact Karen Gray at 724-837-6737 or

Learn more about IPLF…

Building Up the Body of Christ!

Annual Leadership and Administrative Event

Presented by the Equipping Leaders Unit of Beaver-Butler Presbytery

Sunday, March 23
1:30-5 p.m.
Registration—1:30-1:45 p.m.

Cranberry Community United Presbyterian Church
2662 Rochester Road
Cranberry Township, PA

This FREE training event is geared to equip those leading ministry—Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Worship Leaders, Youth Leaders, Treasurers, Clerks of Session, and all church congregants.

Learn more and register…

Youth Groups Weekend Retreat

Friday, April 25-Sunday, April 27

Camp Lambec—13110 Old Lake Road, West Springfield, PA 16443

Beaver-Butler Presbytery’s Youth Ministry is hosting a youth group retreat at Camp Lambec. It will be a weekend of fun, fellowship and worship in unique ways. 

Groups will arrive on Friday evening to get settled in, followed by a campfire and s’mores. Saturday will be a day of camp adventures and prayer stations. Sunday we will have worship and breakfast.

We will stay in cabins, so bring your sleeping bag and pillow.

$50 per person.

RSVP to Diana at 412-915-2097 or

Download flyer…

New Wilmington Mission Conference

Friday, July 18-Wednesday July 23

Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA

At this intergenerational missions conference, you will join mission co-workers and attendees from 30+ states and 20+ countries for a week of learning, fellowship, growth, and friendship. Hear God’s command to “Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Learn more and register…

Presbyterian Youth Triennium

Monday, July 28-Thursday, July 31
Louisville, Kentucky

Thousands of high school age youth and their adult youth workers will be welcomed to Louisville, Kentucky for four days of worship, recreation, Bible study, outreach, and faith formation all around the theme of “As If We Were Dreaming…” (Psalm 126). 

Our Beaver-Butler Youth Coordinator will register youth for the conference.

Cost is to be determined, although the initial cost for conference is available. 

For more information contact Diana at or 412-915-2097.

Download and post flyer…

Learn more on the conference website…